Role: Product Designer
Industry: Education / Mentorship / Services
Xperly is a dedicated on-demand career mentorship platform. It connects mentees to professional industry leaders
in various fields for mentorship at anytime.
While providing individual sessions of mentorship worked for Xperly's initial launch, we thought about creating a subscription
program for a month or more would effectively improve the mentor-mentee relationship as well as Xperly's business model.
Mentorship requires consistant feedback and commitment. However, mentors have a hard time trying to manually schedule each call with mentees because of their busy timeline. Even when they commit to do so, it is hard to establish a formal relationship between both parties without proper program management.
For this particular feature, I decided to compare Mentorship with Personal Training (Goodlife and such) as it had a number
of similarities. In Personal Training, higher priced trainers are considered more credible, and TV & Movie Stars would
also look for some sort of Superstar Trainer for their personal training. This is the case for physical transformation.
On the contrary, one may not be as willing to pay for a highly priced session when it comes to mentorship. Credibility,
lack of materialistic result, could be a reason of sort. However, when translating Personal Training as Physical Transformation,
one can translate Mentorship as Psychological Transformation; like physical growth improves your well-being, psychological -or mental-
growth improves the chances of getting into a career one may truly want.
With such comparison, Xperly team built out Programs, as well as Program Management features so that mentors (trainers) can easily
communicate with their mentees while also being able to track their progresses, vice versa.
High Fidelity Program Application / Management Flow
Summarized Flow